B E G O   T O U R

Our History

Message from the CEO

Our History

BeGo Tour & Travel was founded in 2020 by Fisseha Mitiku Asfaw. Fisseha was born and grew up in St. Lalibela, Ethiopia. After he completed his high school, he became a certified tour guide in his hometown and around the country from 1998-2002. Then he developed a deep interest in tourism and hospitality that he went to India and earned his BA in tourism and hospitality plus MBA in International Business Management. After staying in India for 5 years with the opportunity to travel to many parts of India as an educational tourist and as a solo traveler, he got the chance to go live in Nepal for two years where he was able to operate his own restaurant, The Organic Cafe and Salad bar at Thamel Kathmandu. He then got the chance to live in the United States where he was able to earn his second degree, MBA in Sustainable Business Management.


Bego, which means Kind in Amharic, Ethiopian language is the creation of the life long experience of Mr. Fisseha where he manifested the combination of tourism and sustainability. Bego will provide a responsible and guilt free travel experience designed to fulfill ultimate travel experience based on the Triple Bottom line of Sustainability which are: Economic Equitability, Social Responsibility and Environmental Stiwardity.